Welcome to the first edition of the Hamamatsu Photonics Drug Screening Newsletter
In thesenewsletters, we will introduce the latest news, information, events and more - all related to our FDSS®/µCELL (Functional Drug Screening System). Enjoy!
Latest News
A new partnership to support drug development, basic research and cell line development
Hamamatsu Photonics UK Ltd and Medical Technologies Innovation Facility (MTIF) are now partners. By using the FDSS®/μCELL high throughput technology to screen for pharmacological activity, we will enable organizations of every size the opportunity to accelerate their cell and drug discovery programs.
Hamamatsu Photonics' new factory is almost done! Built in Japan in order to boost the production capacity of image measurement devices to meet the increased demand. More on our website!
Upcoming Events
FDSS Users Meeting 2022
We are delighted to invite you to the upcoming FDSS Users Meeting, which will be hosted at the Centre Médical Universitaire, in Geneva on June 28 2022. This meeting is free to register and provides the opportunity to discover new applications and innovative uses of the FDSS with presentations from partners in academia, biotech and the pharmaceutical industry. Register now!
ChemioBioFrance (JCBF) Annual Meeting of the French National Chemical Library
As a sponsor of JCBF, we will be happy to meet you in person from June 30 to July 1, at LyonTech La Doua campus, in Lyon,France. For more information: https://jcbf2022.sciencesconf.org/
Application article
Benefits of the FDSS for measuring GPCR activity with NanoBiT® (Promega)
GPCRs represent the largest family of cell surface receptors and are the main target for drugs available on the pharmaceutical market. Hamamatsu Photonics recently implemented new screening technology, NanoBiT® (Promega), for real-time monitoring of ligand-induced ß-arrestin 2 interaction with GPCRs using the FDSS/μCELL instrument for high throughput screening. Find out more with these two articles:
Electric Field Stimulation (EFS) is a unique feature of the FDSS/µCELL that simultaneously stimulates all wells of a 96 microplate at once and alters the voltage in each. The feature enables two key applications useful for safety and disease research in the drug discovery process:
Comments or questions? We will thank you with giveaways!
Let us know if you have a specific FDSS®/μCELL or drug screening content you would like us to write about or if you have any questions. We like to randomly send giveaways to anyone who contact us with their feedback.